
Title MIRET: Mezinárodní Iniciativa pro Rozvoj Etnické Tvorby (MIRET PROJECT : International Initiative for Development for Ethnic Art)
Author Language Date Ida Kelarova
Cezch, English
Type of music Target group Romani music
Romani children and teenagers
Description This projects and its educational activities supports prospective and talented Roma children and youth, motivating and inspiring them to continue their studies at secondary and vocational schools or colleges, and at the same time aspires to confront and break Roma prejudice and stereotypes still prevalent in the major society. The primary aim is to create a system of individual support of talented Roma children from socially and economically deprived backgrounds who do not have the opportunity to develop their own skills and capacity to learn.
Full reference http://www.miret.cz/en/page.aspx?v=pageCollection-8
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Title A Kalyi Jag Roma Nemzetiségi Szakiskola, Szakközépiskola és Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény története (The Kalyi Jag Roma National Vocational School, Vocational School and Elementary Art School History)
Author Language Date Kalyi Jag Arts Management (info@kajyijag.org)
Type of music Target group Romani music
Young people
Description The schools bring up great talents year by year, feeling great responsibility for these students’ future, and for the realisation of their dreams. We strongly believe, that talent by itself is not enough in today’s world, and without due humbleness, diligence and consciousness even the brightest talents might fall flat.
Keywords Talent, school, education, music
Full reference http://www.kalyi-jag.hu/   Weblink to the school web site http://www.kalyi-jag.hu/iskola/
Other interesting information Varga Gusztav is the founder of the school More than three decades ago Mr. Gusztáv Varga had a dream: to write and sing songs first time in Europe in his mother tongue, in Romany. He set up a music band named the Kalyi Jag („Black Fire” in Gypsy).   The legendary Kalyi Jag Group (World Music Megastar, MTV Music European-prize) has formed a unique way of performing, by means of which is unmistakably distinguished from the other Gypsy bands.   Through the Kalyi Jag arts mangement’s and art activities he would like to proof on the stage there are no majority or minority, only talents and inspiration.


Title The Gypsy Jazz Web site
Author Language Date Jonathan Hepbir
Type of music Target group Jazz
Description Playing Django Style: Gypsy Jazz Guitar Workshops The website contains the link to The Basics | Chords | Resources | Downloads | Powertab | Tunes | Searchers
Full reference http://www.hotclub.co.uk/ Go to the web site and then click on the top of the page on: playing
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Title Pracovny material pre nulty rocnik zakladnej skoly. Hudobno-pohybova vychova
Author Language Date Maczejková, M.,Repiský,P. & Újjová, B., Rocepo (Roma Education Centre in Prešov)
Type of music Target group Children’s Roma Songs
Children attending zero grade
Description This pedagogical material was developed by the experts as a part of the Project: Phare SK 0002.01 Better conditions for Roma self-realisation in education system with the aim to create a workbook for the teachers and students of zero grade. Material is specifically designed to serve needs of Roma children from marginalized Roma communities.
Keywords Pedagogical material, Music and Movement Education, Zero Grade
Full reference Maczejková, M., Repiský,P. & Újjová, B. Pracovny material pre nulty rocnik zakladnej skoly. Hudobno-pohybova vychova. Presov: MPC, 2005.
Other interesting information Possible to download at: http://www.rocepo.sk/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=11&lid=76


Title Čierna mačička. Rómske piesne pre deti. Odi kaľi mačkica (Black cat. Roma songs for children)
Author Language Date Jana Belišová
English, Slovak and Romani language
Type of music Target group Roma Songs for Children, mainly czardas
Pre-school and school-age Roma children
Description Songbook consisting of 23 Roma songs for children. Each song is translated from Roma into Slovak and English languages and contains scores. The songbook is accompanied with CD.
Keywords Roma Songs for Children, Czardas
Full reference Belisova, Jana. Čierna mačička. Rómske piesne pre deti. Odi kaľi mačkica. Bratislava: Typoprint Plus, 2005. Songbook.
Other interesting information Possible to purchase at: http://www.zudro.sk/?page_id=787


Title Neve giľa. Nové rómske piesne. Zborník piesní. (New Romani songs)
Author Language Date Jana Belišová
English, Slovak, Romani language
Type of music Target group New Romani Songs
People interested in Romani music
Description Songbook consisting of 211 new Roma songs. Each song is translated from Roma into Slovak and English languages and contains scores. The songbook is accompanied with DVD that contains 87 audio records and 77 authentic video records from marginalized Roma communities.
Keywords New Romani songs
Full reference Belisova, Jana. Neve giľa. Nové rómske piesne. Zborník piesní. Bratislava: Typoprint Plus, 2010. Songbook.
Other interesting information Possible to purchase at: http://www.zudro.sk/?page_id=758


Title Hoj na nej na – Phurikane giľa 2. Nové rómske piesne. Zborník piesní. (Hoj na nej na – Ancient Roma Songs 2)
Author Language Date Jana Belišová
English, Slovak, Romani language
Type of music Target group Halgató, Czardas
People interested in dance Roma music
Description Almost all songs are traditional Roma dance songs that are called czardas. Most of the songs were recorded in the artists’ houses and contain all house-related noises, including water boiling, whispering and other types of background sounds.
Keywords Czardas, Traditional Roma Temperament Songs
Full reference Belisova, Jana. Hoj na nej na – Phurikane giľa 2. Nové rómske piesne. Zborník piesní. Bratislava: Typoprint Plus, 2005. Songbook.
Other interesting information Possible to purchase at: http://www.zudro.sk/?page_id=443


Title Aprendo música (Learning music)
Author Language Date
Spanish and English (however the English version is less developed)
Type of music Target group Music for beginners. Introduction to music
Children in primary school
Description It’s an interesting web to learn and practice the language of music through online activities and games.
Keywords Games, language of music, notes
Full reference http://www.aprendomusica.com/index.htm
Other interesting information Website project


Title El Flamenco en el aula (2001)
Author Language Date Paula Uñón Toro, Nuria Reyes Polo, Manuel Pérez Cañete, Miguel Estepa Gutiérrez
Type of music Target group Flamenco
Primary and secondary school students
Description It’s a workbook for children with different chapters to learn about Flamenco, like its origin, its artists and its features.
Keywords Flamenco, learning Flamenco, Flamenco in school
Full reference https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B94jznXGzQ9mYmM4MThhOTktYTRlYi00ZjE1LWFkZDctZjlmYmJkNjlhY2Y1/edit?authkey=CKqS5MsG&hl=es
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Title La Flamenquita
Author Language Date Enrique Linera Cortés
Type of music Target group Flamenco
Primary school pupils
Description It’s a comic in which children can get familiar with flamenco
Keywords Flamenco, learning about Flamenco, comic
Full reference http://flamencoescolar.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/la-flamenquita.pdf
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Title El Flamenco en el aula (2004)
Author Language Date Julián Grande González
Type of music Target group Flamenco
Primary and secondary school students
Description It’s a very complete document with orientations on how to bring Flamenco inside the classroom and it also contains different lesson plans.
Keywords Flamenco, learning Flamenco, Flamenco in the school, Flamenco and children
Full reference http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/webportal/ishare-servlet/content/6bcb0307-1c73-4cc0-8429-db38e9585ed7
Other interesting information Lesson Plans ready to use by teachers (educational project)


Title Vertedero sonoro
Author Language Date Julio Payno, Francisco Taboada
Type of music Target group
Primary school children
Description It’s a web which provides several ideas about building musical instruments from recycled materials
Keywords Music Instruments, building instruments, recycled instruments
Full reference http://www.degeneradores.com/archivosvertedero/paginas/menu.htm
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Title ¡Cuéntame un cuento musical!
Author Language Date
Type of music Target group
Children from 8 to 12 years old
Description Lesson plan which explains how to build instruments form recycled materials, create basic rhythms and play music during a story telling
Keywords Creating music, building instruments, recycled instruments, music in the school
Full reference http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/averroes/cepjaen/publicacion-gt/GT-Cep/GT-publicacion/musica/materiales/reclico_en_musica/unidades_didacticas.pdf
Other interesting information Lesson plans to be used by teachers