
Project Values

The values promoted by this project are recognition, understanding of others, creativity, tolerance and admiration. This project promoted Romani values to build intercultural bridges, social inclusion and educate children through music.

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Highlights and Achievements

Music4ROM aims at achieving the following:

  • Creation of a repository of Romani music, songs and musicians
  • Organisation of a music “Master Class” earmarked at 16 young Roma and non-Roma musicians trained by renowned musicians and singers
  • Creation of a methodological guide for teachers
  • Organisation of educational workshops in 4 European countries (Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Spain) to develop a methodological guide for teachers
  • Creation of a kit to make musical instruments from recycled items
  • Creation of mediation tools for cultural mediators, addressed to Romani mothers
  • Development of an in-service training programme and a guide for participants
  • A 40-hour in-service training course for teachers, mediators, social and cultural workers
  • Organisation of a press conference in Brussels
  • Organisation of 7 public events at local and European level as well as webinars
  • Production and distribution of 7 videos
  • Creation of multilingual promotional material
  • Creation of an e-platform and a single at the end of the project: ” Roma Got Talent



  • Renowned musicians and artists: Roberto de Brasov, Jorge Chaminé, Ludovit Kovac, Paco Suárez and Carlo Dumont and 8 young Romani and 8 non-Romani musicians with the participation of the professors David Benko and Aurica Mustatea
  • Approximately 300 Romani children and adolescents in 4 European countries
  • About 30 Romani mothers
  • At least 30 teachers, mediators and cultural operators.
  • Participation of nearly 50 representatives of local authorities and associations working for Romani people

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